The Dos and Don’ts of Selling Jewelry on Instagram

Instagram is currently ruling the world of ‘user engagement’. So, logging in your jewelry brand on Instagram is an added value in itself. However, there is no better way than doing it in the right way which will bear fruits in the long run.

Here are the 3 dos of selling jewelry on Instagram:

·  A recent study has shown that people follow brands on Instagram to keep an eye on their products. So, make sure that you give them what they want. Post your jewelry products regularly so that they get a clear impression that you are a brand and you have jewelry products for sale.

·  The live feature of Instagram is perfect for your jewelry brand as most people love insights into everything. You can go live and give them a tour of your jewelry store or put in a great minute video behind the scenes of the making of a particular jewelry.

·  Bang on a sale over an entrancing photo on Instagram. People are on Instagram to just look at photos, which clearly means that they frequently get tired of reading long posts. Therefore, if you want them to scroll and then discover your jewelry brand promotion, there are chances that they’ll not even notice it. So put it right in front of their eyes with an intriguing caption and enticing picture.

·  Paid promotions are the best option to give a boost to your online jewelry brand, especially when it’s just a toddler on Instagram. Paid promotions help in catalyzing your jewelry brand exposure and promotion via Instagram advertisements.

If you are going haywire in figuring out which tip to apply first, then GemEye is there to help you out. With their jewelry centric social media campaigns and digital marketing services, they are determined in sky-rocketing the popularity of jewelry brand and bring it out from the scraps of poor social media brand promotion.  

Now it’s time for 3 things that you should downright avoid while selling jewelry on Instagram

·  Do not treat Instagram like other social media platforms. Instagram is totally different from other social media channels. Unlike other social media platforms, it focuses on images. So keep your other weapons like content marketing at par, and focus on your jewelry product images.

·  Do not forget about the “hyperlink” issue of Instagram. Instagram expects us to see only visuals, not to redirect to other websites. They will simply reject any tappable link if it comes along the photo caption.

·  Do not keep your Instagram sales, a secret! Posting the Instagram sales is indeed a productive jewelry brand promotion. It is because firstly, people love to see proofs when they are buying things online. They will probably go for a review or would want to see exactly how many people have bought the jewelry piece previously. So, never freak out on cross-promoting your Instagram sale.

·  Do not underestimate the details on your sale while promoting your picture posts on Instagram. Once you have managed to engage a user, and they are ready to buy, make sure you provide them all the details regarding how long the sale will be, on what purchase is the discount viable and everything else in the description bar attached to the image.

So, this was the total cheat sheet on selling jewelry on Instagram. Do you find this blog useful?

Let us know if you’ve got any other idea of online jewelry selling via Instagram. We would be thrilled to consume some of your creative ideas!

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